What a day! Late to church by ten minutes, but everyone welcomed us -amazing. Fabulous attitude. Everyone wore their best Sunday dress, even Joe Barnett turned up #wowthosetrousers😋 church itself was wild. Absolutely wild! Joseph (a translator) whipped out his beautiful singing voice and everyone was blown away- MAD. The atmosphere was incredible, everyone was singing and dancing and praising the lord! We even got up to the front to join in. Performed the hakuna manguka song they loved it #bigcheers #legends. Then the boys performed their dance, and the girls sung like the angels they are. The dance itself was lit. Each boy put their all in and it was an amazing piece. I’m pretty sure a few ladies fainted😩☺️ brilliant. Sharoni did a beautiful speech about God’s love including a glowing bible -WOW! A collection was made for us and we all felt so humbled yet guilty as we do not deserve that. After was lunch; rice, beans, fresh avocado, noodles and tomato and onion. 5* hospitality from our friends, the food was cooked to perfection, yum! Afterwards my team- Ollie Shergz, Leo, Joe Scott, Sam Turner and Sam Sheldon, washed up by hand and it was actually quite a fun experience, working as a team. We scrubbed the pans until they were clean #standard.
Afterwards we walked to the market to buy some clothes in preparation for our matches. It was busy and very cramped as we were taken down a small alleyway inside another building with clothes hanging everywhere. Gwakisi helped us get a good bargain before we all swaggered with confidence to our games.
Netball was first. Very very tense. I, I have to say, led my team to victory. The Tanzanian children played dirty, they didn’t know the rules so we played dirty also #fullcontact. I floored it many times before scoring the first goal of the game -incred. I was shoved to the floor not long after but I welcomed a mouth full of dirt with glee – we were winning! Now I’m not a big fan of sport but I and my fellow team mates went ham. I saw an opportunity and dived for the ball which earned me a few more scrapes and bruises but which ultimately won us the game. Holly Chappers and Kate, my personal cheerleaders had my water ready and my sweat towel #netballscominghome.
The boys, wow. What a game. Very fast paced, matched our quickening heart rates watching from the side lines. Will Broom shot across the field firing kicks with so much force, he even scored us our first goal. They were battered and bruised but pulled through representing England like the team they are. They won! Wow a brilliant moment for England. It ended like a film, we rode off into the sunset to ready made dinner.
We may not have won against Croatia but it’s safe to say it’s coming home from Tanzania 🇹🇿
Written by Lydia and edited by Hannah
LINK TO MORE PHOTOS: https://bishopluffatanzania2018.wordpress.com/