By Cheque in the Post : Download, print, complete and send this form to us with your cheque.
By Online Banking : Make a payment to The Grassroots Trust (bank details below) and then contact us to tell us if you want it to support a specific project.
Click here for our bank details
Give regularly by standing order : Use either online banking or download/print/fill in this form and send it to us in the post.
Fundraisers WELCOME. If you are running, swimming or running an event on behalf of Grassroots then get in touch with your idea, photos and how much you want to raise. We'll create a draft page and perfect it with your input ... then let it go live!
Or you can set up Your own Fundraising Page with Stewardship here: stewardship.org.uk/partners/Grassroots
We can take your credit or debit card donation over the phone. This will go through PayPal and incur a small fee, but if all else fails please call. 01252 792387
Please note all credit card transactions are subject to fees so please give in other ways if you can.
Like all charities in the UK we can claim back the tax on your donation if you “Gift Aid” it and have paid enough UK tax this year. PLEASE do fill out a gift aid declaration. This is part of the credit card check out process or you can Contact Us – include in your message that you wish to “Gift Aid” your donations and your full name and address.
To Sponsor a Child Today – all the details are here.